Hana is a plump little hat thief

 Hana located Maya’s new bike helmet last night, and was extremely pleased with herself.  Hana loves all hats, but especially loves Maya’s hats.  Not surprisingly, it fit Hana perfectly, because she is extra jumbo.  In fact, today she had her 18 month check-up, and the doctor confirmed her jumbo status:  28.5lbs (98th percentile), 32 14 inches tall (75th percentile). Hana LOVED going to the doctor (the first time that’s happened) and gave him a hug at the end of the appointment.  She did not give the lady who gave her two shots a hug, but she did say “buh-bye” to everyone.  At Costco afterward, Hana ate zillions of free samples and talked about daddy and lions.  Quite a morning!