More irresponsible driving

I can go on and on and on about drivers here in the blogger’s current hometown, but I won’t. Suffice it to say that Maya is true to her dad’s roots when it comes to driving, even in a plastic car. Pedal to the metal, no regard for pedestrians/cats/dogs, apparently no peripheral vision.

Hana doesn’t know how to drive yet, but she likes hanging out in cars and grinning.

These were taken a few weeks ago when both kids were with Valorie. Maya started preschool last week and LOVED it. Though, according to Maya, it is SCHOOL, not preschool. The teachers said she was “wonderful” and “polite” but she was scared of the hand-drier in the potty. I don’t blame her. They are weird, and totally ineffective. Maya knows a scam when she sees one.

Valorie reported that Hana did not miss Maya AT ALL. She loved the extra attention.