Hana is ginormous

Hana went for her 10-month check up on Friday (a little late for her 9-month), and she was predictably ginormous. She weighs 23 pounds, and is 26 inches tall, which is the 98th percentile of awesomeness. The doctor referred to her as “well-nourished”. I had a sense of deja vu, since both the percentiles and characterization of delicious chubbiness were used for Maya.

Full Hana update (since her baby book is…kind of lame): Hana is crawling at top speed, standing and cruising, and (of course) falling on her well-padded bottom. She is also VERY verbal because she wants to talk to her chatterbox sister. I mean, she has to keep up. This is a very loud household. She’s working on her material, and I have to say, she’s pretty funny, but her songs could use some work. Still only two teeth. Kind of trying to wave and give high-fives. Loves playing with all types of toys (when Maya will let her).

Hana is eating Cheerios, berries, and cheese on her own–lots of little finger foods, and she LOVES them. She’ll eat purees if they are yummy, but nothing plain (think chicken parm or cauliflower with cheese, but no plain beans–YES I AM A YUPPY). Here, daddy went nuts with blackberries. Seventh heaven!