Hana is super cute; Maya is super aggressive
We went to the zoo again, and it was relatively tantrum free. Maya was
interested, of course, in the otters (who were being anti-social, which
was upsetting), bunnies (SUPER plump), and the petting zoo. Maya used a
brush on a goat that seems to be cowering under her aggressive grooming.
Possibly the goat received advance warning from Lola that it is just
better to give in, and hope for some Cheerios at the end of the day. The
other main event was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which
Maya jammed into her mouth at alarming speed.
Hana napped for half the time, and was relaxed in the luxury of the stroller when awake, as the blogger cannot take her heft in a carrier. As always, she was giving gummy grins out in exchange for toys, pacifiers, and bottles.
Note: We have been to the zoo several times, but somehow, Maya is always
wearing the same shirt. I don’t know how this happens, since she really
has quite a few