Hana is hungry, slightly angry

Hana’s first non-bottle meal was…not what she was expecting. I skipped rice cereal (because it is gross) and went straight to baby oatmeal. Hana thought it was GROSS, and somewhat shocking. Meal #2 went much better, and we’re already into carrots, asparagus, beets and all sorts of other good stuff now. Note: Maya likes to make Hana laugh during mealtime, which is VERY messy. Further note: Hana is eating homemade baby food, because I am a sucker, and I made it for Maya, so I am making it for Hana. The blogger’s spouse said “I really hope you can keep up with this, it is so important, blah blah blah” (but I can’t manage to steam some veggies and pulse them in the food processor or clean things after you do it, yet I precisely clean my espresso maker with Q-tips every day). I mean, seriously.