Hana is a month old, and jumbo

Well, perhaps not jumbo, but plumping up quite nicely. At her pediatrician appointment today, Hana weighed in at 9 lbs, 10 oz, 20 34 inches tall. She was 7 lbs, 18.5 inches at birth, so she is slowly but surely approaching jumbo jet size. She still seems tiny to me, since Maya likes for me to carry her 31 lb self to Valorie’s house these days, so I am used to quite a bit of…heft.

Hana received one vaccine today, and only cried for a second. She’s snoozing in her car seat right now. Last night we (that’s the blogger and Hana; Mustafa is wearing earplugs, yet complaining about how tired he is–no, really) had a good night of sleep with two food-related wake up calls. Hana loves to eat. See above statistics.