Maya wants her car seat back

Maya has decided that she’s tired of letting Hana borrow her car seat and that she wants it back.

This started last night when she plopped herself into it, and then had trouble getting out (hence the “Uh oh, how do I exit?” look on her face. Notice how jumbo she is compared to the puny seat.

This morning, things got even more interesting. The new-found love of the infant car seat continued, of course. But not only did she (mostly) get the hang of getting herself in and out of the car seat; she also realized that there’s a correlation between the flash going off and a photo of her appearing on the view screen of my camera.

Thus, this may be counted as the first posed Maya shot (where Maya wasn’t just looking at the camera because I was trying to distract her to look in my direction). Boof was along for the ride.

But it didn’t last long. By this photo - a few seconds later - her focus had entirely shifted from being photographed to putting that lens cap back on the camera. She currently loves putting things back where they belong.