Dictionary of Maya-speak at 19 months

I thought I would report on Maya-speak at 19 months, mainly so I remember years from now (or a year from now). Here’s what she says pretty regularly: sock, ball, da(d), HI!, slide, outside (new today), ut-oh, who’s that?, what’s that?, side to side (a swimming lesson phrase), woof/boof (to both identify Lola specifically, another dog, and the sound a dog makes), ca(t) (both a cat and the sound a cat makes…perplexing). There’s a less reliable ma/mom (recent), elmo, and let’s go (while banging on the door).

Of course, many of these take a parent’s ear to comprehend/appreciate fully. Ha ha. But nearly daily she imitates a word while we’re reading together, and a few days later, she’ll incorporate it into another experience. So cool!

She also makes noises for snakes, lions, gorillas, dogs, cats, ducks and owls. And she loves to wave at people and blow kisses to people she likes.

The neatest thing ever is watching how much more she understands every day. I just asked her to bring me the remote control, without pointing, and she did. Awesome, since I can’t bend over!