That's M-O-M-M-Y.

Maya is VERY chatty these days. When we took her into her new room after her bath the other day, she pointed to the crib with not a little bit of shock and said “boof?” (stuffed dog) and “ba ba” (apparently Aunt Linda’s blanket) and kept talking, airing no doubt many issues with the set up. She also says “ut-OH” or “ut-OW” and “OH NO” all the time, second only to “who’s that?” and “what’s that?” You’d think, oh my, this child MUST be constantly saying “mommy” to you, dear blogger, who gets up with her, reads to her, cooks all of her food and feeds meals, right? Oh no. No mommy. Just dada (Mustafa) and boof (Lola/stuffed dog). I mean, I know I am loved. Sniff.

I am the parent of choice for reading time, which is pretty much any time for Maya. Right now, we’re in an “If I were a pig” and Dr. Suess phase, but things move quickly around here. Elmo is still quite popular.

Notes: Thanks to cousin Lisa for the cute shirt!! And yes, I chopped off my hair for my big interview last week. I feel way more like myself (I mean, if I was constantly pregnant…oh wait, I am. Horrors.)