Maya's new room!

Maya is at semi-peace for the moment in this, her new room (!), so I have time to blog. She’s had a little trouble sleeping in her new room these past few nights. I am so pleased with how this transformation from office/guest room to toddler room turned out. I painted the walls green before I knew that I was pregnant, but decided to incorporate them because, well, both Mustafa and I loved the color. Maya is in a new (used) crib for now, because she’s not yet ready for the big-girl queen bed, but we kept the bed in her room for that day, which I’m sure will be here before we know it.

She also has a new toy kitchen that she is *very* into, complete with plastic food and many pots and pans. Clearly, she gets the love of cooking from mommy. She likes to make big messes and wait for me to clean them up, which obviously comes from Daddy. Maya is quite the explosive mix of Bowen and Jamil.