Blast from the recent past: Amna and Ibrahim's visit

I just realized that I never posted the very few photos we remembered to take when Amna and Ibrahim came in mid-July! These are from lunch with my parents at our favorite spot, Chow, in Lafayette. Maya was sort of good, throwing fries and crayons around with wild abandon and making everyone pay attention to her. Not pictured: my dad and sister, who were thrilled to see the out-of-towners. Also not pictured: Mustafa’s bizarre photo shoot of his caesar salad and my dad’s bacon sandwich.

Yes, it is totally unfair that Amna looks SO amazing and has a son who is a teenager. Seriously! We had such a great time with the two of them. Ibrahim kicked Mustafa’s butt at some soccer video game repeatedly, which I really enjoyed watching. More time for Amna and I to catch up, which I loved (and I had a shopping partner, which was SO fun). Maya is deeply in love with her aunt–now when she hears Amna’s voice on the phone, she comes RUNNING, and says “who’s THAT?” It is so adorable. Wish they lived closer by–hopefully Ibrahim will pick Stanford from his many college choices when the time comes.