Snacks in the big kid chair

Every day when we get home from Valorie’s house, Maya likes to have a snack. The last few weeks, she prefers eating her snack at the dining room table, in a big kid’s chair. She needs help getting up onto the chair, but she really gets excited sitting in one, so we hang out, have a snack (both of us) and she tells me little stories about her day.

Snacks are very important before bedtime these days because Maya’s bedtime has moved later–now around 8 pm! This means she’s been sleeping until about 6:45am (KNOCK ON ALL AVAILABLE WOOD), so the blogger and most especially the blogger’s evil partner get a bit more sleep. I think she was ready for the shift, she’s not that tired around 7ish anymore, and she really likes the extra time with Daddy, reading, talking about animals, and playing toddler basketball.