Maya is very pleased

Well, this morning the Jamils are all very pleased because my cousin Jenni had her baby–a son, Zachary Cyrus Wieland! Maya likes to meet tiny babies and little kids, so when Jenni and family come to California this summer, she will be in heaven. Zachary’s older sister Maggie is already Maya’s idol. They both really like snacks, though Maya’s love of animals is baffling to Maggie.

Maya has been either SUPER happy and goofy this week, or screaming her head off because of her evil teeth. These pictures are from a happy time (also, a pre-haircut time). She was in so much pain last night that she wouldn’t eat anything except very cold applesauce until the Tylenol kicked in. Then she was ravenous, and gobbled down ham, cheese, and banana like it was going out of style (of course, Lola got a few pieces as well).

We have an exciting weekend planned, so hopefully the teeth will give Maya a break…the blogger is also getting into planning our San Diego trip next month to see the Niekcraszes (and Sea World). So exciting!