Tooth #3

As frequent readers know, I am fond of Maya’s gummy grins. Over the last several days, tooth #3 has made an appearance next to the other two teeth (as you can kind of see in this photo). Maya has mainly been a good sport about the whole thing, but unless you see her from certain angles, so you just see the gummy top of her cute little grin, it is now officially toothy.

Also-I just about started crying in Old Navy the other day because Maya is basically a teenager. She wears size 12-18 month now, so she’s grouped with toddler clothes at lots of stores. The good part: many more cute things. The bad part: she is going to be driving before I know it. SIGH.

Further evidence: Maya is almost standing on her own (without the assistance of furniture/mommy/dog), and has tons more baby-words. She has also embraced several new books, though Hippos Go Berserk continues to be the go-to favorite.