Jumbo teether

These pictures are from a few weeks ago, but they are very appropriate, because Maya is a drooly teething mess this weekend. She had a flu shot on Friday, which went well, but her screaming level has been HIGH since then because of the evil teeth, and then the..uh..stomach issues caused by Tylenol. Kind of a balancing act.

When she’s not teething, she’s been hanging out in her jammies playing with blocks and watching baseball with us. And chasing Lola around.

Baby growth update: Maya now weighs 21 lbs, 2 oz. That puts her in the 90th percentile of awesomeness at 8+ months old. My arms were hurting last night, and Mustafa was like, duh, you froggie-baby-d her all day (the only sure-fire way to relieve screaming is to be a human Jumparoo) and she is a baby jumbo jet. YUM!!