Maya has returned

We have tons and tons of pictures from this long weekend, but they are trapped in a techno-wonderland that I cannot penetrate. I don’t want to deprive Maya’s fans of the latest, though:

** Maya has TWO teeth, and they basically tortured her the last 48 hours. Sobbing, screaming, pulling at cheeks–very dramatic behavior from the baby. Today was a bit better (showing off for Valorie and Lucas). We have her on a constant Tylenol-Orajel regimen.

** Maya prefers sleeping WITH mommy and daddy, rather than in her pack-and-play, when on vacation. Mommy does not sleep well this way (hello, suffocation?!?). Thus, the blogger is rather sleep deprived.

** Maya really likes trees (perhaps the future head of the Forest Service), so the big off-roading adventure with grandma and grandpa to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest was pretty much the best. Pictures to follow (once Mr. Technology releases them).

** Maya is still full of super-interesting stories (the whole drive up) and funny jokes (about 45 minutes of the drive back, punctuated by crying and sleep). She is so chatty…where on earth did she get that?

** In Lola news, the dog has sore legs from her overly fun weekend, and demands human elevator rides to get on the bed. So (at least) two drama queens in our house.

** Mustafa’s parents arrived today, so Maya’s grandparent saturation rate will remain high for another 3 weeks!