Dada and dadi love their little bird

My parents have been here for under four days, and - at any time they’re not catching up on sleep from their jet lag - they’re hugging and kissing Maya, or singing to her.  It’s not surprising; this is only their second grandchild, and there’s a fourteen-year gap between the two.  Maya seems to be enjoying the attention as well.

(Note to the non-Pakistanis: we Pakistanis seem to have a rather strange need to precisely identify how one relative is related to another.  So, a maternal grandmother/grandfather is called something different than a paternal grandparent pair.  As a corollary, they refer to their maternal or paternal grandchildren differently as well.  So, Maya’s paternal grandparents are her Dada and Dadi - soft D’s - and they refer to her as her poti - soft T.  And, if Rebecca’s parents wanted to be referred to, and refer to, Maya in Urdu, they’d be her Nana and Nani, and she’d be their nawasi.)