Maya rolls with Kanye, and other useful information

More tidbits from Mayaland:

– Today in the car ride to Subway, Mustafa made the unfortunate decision to put Kanye West on the stereo. Sadly, Maya agrees with her father’s poor musical taste, and was pacified by Kanye’s poor grammar and lame lyrics. I was horrified.

– Maya loves her new bouncy seat, which lives in the kitchen. She bounces around and gazes at the lights and trees while I cook, smiling and gurgling the whole time. Sometimes we combine bouncing with a pacifier, and that is Maya heaven.

– Now, I’m seriously knocking on wood as I write this, but our girl continues to be an awesome sleeper. She slept 9 hours in a row last night, and typically does 7-8 hours. This is mainly luck, with a little early bedtime action thrown in.

– We’re VERY excited for our first official vacation with Maya, to my childhood vacation town, Mammoth Lakes (and the place we spent our honeymoon, 10 years ago June). It will be especially eventful because we’re going with both the Bowens and the Jamils, so Maya will be inundated with grandparent attention.